Search Results for: message from president lynch

A Message from President Lynch

Colleagues: I hope this mid-January email finds you well as I write with updates that you may find of interest. It has been some time since my last communication, and much has transpired over the past month. I hope that you have...

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Message from President Lynch

As 2024 begins and a new academic term commences, I write with information about staffing changes at the College.  Effective Monday, Jan. 8, the Office of Academic Affairs welcomed Dr. Carey Manifold as our new Interim...

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A Message from President Lynch

I hope this end-of-the-semester email finds you well. I write with updates and information related to recent activities that you may find of interest.  This week included a spate of activities that kept us all...

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A Message from President Lynch

As we enter Final Exams period, I hope that this email finds you well. The approach of the holidays, the stress of meeting semester and year-end deadlines, and other variables can make this a difficult time for many; I hope...

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A Message from President Lynch

I hope this post-Thanksgiving email finds you well. As the calendar turns to December, I write with updates and information regarding recent activities that you may find of interest.  This week began with a meeting of the...

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