Search Results for: message from president lynch

A Message from President Lynch

I hope the seasonal weather finds you well as I write with information about recent campus activities that you may find of interest.  This week was an active one on-campus and off, as demonstrated by the activities...

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A Message from President Lynch

I hope this email finds you well as I write with updates and information concerning recent College activities.  This week continued to be an active one on campus. On Tuesday, after a meeting with the College Council...

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A Message from President Lynch

I hope that the start of November finds you well as I write with information and updates as to recent campus activities. This week has been particularly busy: here’s hoping the additional hour of sleep we gain with setting our...

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A Message from President Lynch

I hope that you are enjoying the warm weather as we head into another month of the academic and calendar year. I write today with updates and information as to recent activities that you may find of interest. This week, I...

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A Message from President Lynch

I hope this note finds you well as I write with updates concerning recent campus activities. Since I last communicated, I have been busy with on-campus and off-campus meetings, advocating for our College and its programs. Last...

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