Please be reminded that the use of all tobacco products is now strictly prohibited on the College of Staten Island campus pursuant to The City University of New York’s Revised Tobacco Policy. CSI has joined more than 420 colleges and universities across the country that have already enacted smoke-free or tobacco-free policies.

With its emphasis on respect for others and the environment, CUNY’s revised policy has received great support at the College from faculty, staff, and students. It is therefore incumbent upon all of us to take an active role in respectfully communicating the tobacco-free policy to our friends, colleagues, and visitors.

We invite you to share your thoughts and observations as we continue to educate people about this policy by reaching out via the Contact Us form on the CSI Tobacco-Free Webpage. As the College is in the process of assessing policy compliance across the campus, the information that you provide will prove very useful.

Additionally, the College’s Tobacco-Free Website contains a wealth of resources for quitting tobacco use, as does the University’s Healthy CUNY Website.

Students who wish assistance may visit the CSI Health and Wellness Center located in the Campus Center (Building 1C). Faculty and staff who are interested in quitting are encouraged to contact the CUNY Work/Life Program at 800.833.8707.

For additional information and policy questions visit the Tobacco-Free CUNY Website.

We thank you for your continued support and cooperation in this matter, and wish you a happy and healthy fall semester.