The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at the College of Staten Island and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will host a seminar entitled, “Tax Strategies for Small Business” on Wednesday, January 21 in the Center for the Arts Lecture Hall. Registration begins at 8:30am and the seminar gets underway at 9:00am.

This free seminar is designed to inform start-up and established freelancers, self-employed entrepreneurs, and independent contractors about their tax requirements and recordkeeping responsibilities. Attendees will learn about Schedule C, Profit or Loss from Business (Sole Proprietorship), deductible business expenses, self-employment tax and other tax topics.

Noting that there have been a number a dramatic changes to tax laws affecting small business over the past year, Dean Balsamini, Director of the SBDC, says, “an important aspect of today’s business environment …is really to find areas to cut costs. If you can’t enhance your sales, then the alternative is to find ways to cut costs and this seminar will assist in doing that. So, participants will have an opportunity to get factual information through the IRS and we also plan on having guest speakers there who will be available to provide some insight into the other cost-cutting measures.”

Guest speakers will include Gita Hecht, IRS Senior Stakeholder Liaison and Suzanne A. Ascher, Esq. and CPA.

Balsamini adds that considering the rough economic times that small businesses are facing, this seminar will provide these enterprises with tools that might help them to survive. “The tax laws sometimes get overly complicated,” he notes, “but when there are new initiatives that are available or those that maybe businesses haven’t availed themelves of in the past, [our guest speakers] will help. The seminar will provide business owners an opportunity to still be able to do something to affect what happened last year.”

For more information on the seminar, call Eileen Sullivan at 718.982.2560.