The Institutional Planning Committee (IPC) invites you to attend a Town Hall Meeting on Friday, May 7, 2010 at 2:30pm in the Center for the Arts (Building 1P) Williamson Theatre for the purpose of soliciting campus-wide feedback and reaction to the drafts of the Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Directions statements pertaining to the Strategic Planning Process.

This will be the third Town Hall Meeting–to date over 190 people have participated in the Town Hall meetings. As Chair of the IPC, and on behalf of the IPC, I thank you all. We have received valuable feedback and suggestions that the IPC will use this to further refine the Mission, Vision, and Values statements and in developing the Strategic Directions.

If you have already participated in a Town Hall Meeting it is not necessary to do so again. I do encourage you to continue sending feedback to me at or by posting on the Strategic Planning Discussion Board.

Tomás D. Morales, PhD