Richard and Francine Kitts will discuss Sherlock Holmes at this year's Friends Literary Brunch. Original artwork by Francine Kitts.
The Friends of the College of Staten Island are hosting a Literary Brunch featuring, members of the Baker Street Irregulars who have been Sherlockians for over 30 years.
Their presentation will trace the history of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s iconic detective, Sherlock Holmes. The Kitts’ slideshow presentation will focus on the super sleuth’s long history in London’s The Strand Magazine, starting with their first publication of a Holmes story, “A Scandal in Bohemia,” in 1891.
Members of the CSI community may recognize Francine Kitts from the OPTIONS program on campus, where she teaches a Sherlock Holmes class to seniors.
The Brunch take place on Sunday, November 11, 2012 from 11:00am-2:00pm in the Campus Center (1C) Green Dolphin Lounge on the CSI campus at 2800 Victory Boulevard, Staten Island, NY. The ticket price is $65 per person and proceeds will benefit scholarships for CSI students. Please RSVP to the College of Staten Island Office of Institutional Advancement at 718.982.2365 no later than November 2, 2012.
The event is chaired by The Friends of CSI’s Second Vice President, Anne Mondello, who has fostered this organization “primarily because I believe that the College has been instrumental in educating the children of Staten Island.” Two years ago, Anne had two nieces, a granddaughter, and a nephew all attending CSI simultaneously, and she adds that “their education at CSI has propelled them into successful careers.”
Anne is a Director for the Fund for the Advancement of Mental Health at the Staten Island Mental Health Society (SIMHS). She is past co-chair of its Board of Directors. She is actively involved with fundraising for SIMHS, working with the Women’s Guild to raise funds, and she is a past recipient of the Guild’s Dorothy M. Kammer Award. SIMHS honored Anne and her husband, Frank, at its 2008 Anniversary Ball.
The Friends of the College of Staten Island (CSI) is a volunteer organization comprised of members of the community who are dedicated to supporting the mission of the College. The Friends serve as advocates on behalf of CSI, promote its welfare, devise and execute programs that involve the community in educational and cultural activities of CSI, and raise funds for scholarships and/or other needs of the College. Monies raised by the Friends are donations to the CSI Foundation. Donors receive a tax deduction based on the tax-exempt status of the CSI Foundation.