I am pleased to announce that for the spring 2014 semester, the College has provided 11 faculty members with reassigned time to pursue their scholarship.  The award recognizes their recent achievements and continued commitment to their disciplines.  The decision to award this reassigned time involved input from the departments and the final recommendations reflected the deliberation of a committee composed of the four academic deans and three members of the Faculty Senate Research Committee.  The faculty members who received the Reassigned Time Awards are:

1.  George Wang (Accounting and Finance)
2.  Timothy Gray (English)
3.  Sherry Millner (Media Culture)
4.  Soon Chun (Marketing)
5.  Kevin O’Bryant (Mathematics)
6.  William L’Amoreaux (Biology)
7.  Shuiqin Zhou (Chemistry)
8.  Simone Wegge (Economics)
9.  Darryl Hill (Psychology)
10. Tom Koutavas (Engineering Science and Physics)
11. Ming Xia (Political Science)