We are now inviting students to enter the 2015 CUNY Math Challenge. It is open to any matriculated undergraduate student; students can register through Wednesday, Feb. 18.  Sponsored by the Office of Academic Affairs and the CUNY Institute for Software Design and Development (CISDD), and supported by the Office of the Chancellor, the CUNY Math Challenge seeks to identify and reward CUNY’s best math talent. Please encourage students to register. Cash prizes range from $100 to $2,500.

The contest begins online at 9:00am on Monday, Feb. 9, 2015 and ends after an in-person exam at 10:00am on Sunday, Apr. 26. Winners will be recognized at a reception in May.

Please send the online flyer to your undergraduate students to encourage them to enter the CUNY Math Challenge. If you have any questions, please contact Associate University Dean Ashleigh Thompson (ashleigh.thompson@cuny.edu).

For more information, please check the Math Matters Website.