On behalf of the HEO Steering Committee of the College Council, we send greetings to all and welcome newly appointed colleagues.  We hope that your semester will be a fulfilling one and we invite your participation in our upcoming activities.

The purpose of the Steering Committee is to coordinate HEO series activities and serve as a vehicle for bringing HEO concerns to the President, the College Council, and other appropriate College forums.  The Committee meets each month, usually on the Monday before College Council, from noon to 1:00pm in the Center for the Arts (Building 1P), Room 201. The Spring 2014 meeting schedule is:

-Tuesday, Feb. 17 (Please note date change due to holiday).

-Monday, Mar. 16

-Monday, Apr. 20

-Monday, May 11

Meetings are open to all HEO members, so please join us for our discussions of HEO life and issues at the College. Remember, the Committee is your representation on the College Council; we can only represent your views if we receive input from you.

We want to encourage all HEOs to seriously consider applying to the CSI Professional Development Fund to cover the cost of training and conferences taking place in the current fiscal year,  July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. Awards are limited to $1,000 per applicant for the year. There are no specific deadlines for receipt of applications; however, you should be aware that awards are now administered through CUNYfirst where you may encounter delays.  You will find the application form and more details on the Human Resources Website:


For more information on these topics and much more, you will find essential HEO links on the College Council Website. If you have questions or concerns email us at heo-sc@csi.cuny.edu. We look forward to hearing from you.