It is a great pleasure to invite you all  to the Center for the Arts (Building 1P) on Thursday, Apr. 21 for the 2016  CSI Undergraduate Conference on Research, Scholarship, and Performance. This year’s conference is the biggest ever. The Conference starts at 11:15am with live chamber music and then lasts though the day with more than 200 students presenting and performing their work. The plenary session in the Williamson Theater at 1:15pm will feature performances as well as a talk by Professor Dan McCloskey.

For all of us who are teaching classes, please encourage our students to participate as educational consumers and audience members, especially for the afternoon posters, performances, and paper presentations.  (I am certainly doing this for the students in my astronomy class.)  Those sessions are happening during Club Hours, they count for CLUE credit, and the students will learn all kinds of neat things from their fellow students. In addition to all the posters that will be mounted throughout the building, the CSI Big Band will perform, there will be a dance recital, art will be on display, and oral presentations will be given in Building 1P, Rooms 202, 222, and 223.  Encourage everyone to circulate and enjoy all that our students have wrought.

Please see the online schedule for just a sample of all that’s happening on Thursday. Thanks so much to all the faculty mentors, instructors, and advisors who have made it possible for our students to have done their great work.