CSI President William J. Frtiz is joined by Edgar Lorenzo who received special thanks for his role playing Danny the Dolphin during the Climate Survey recruitment period.
Last semester’s Campus Climate Survey helped the College of Staten Island community assess how all of its members experience the current campus climate through Learning, Living, and Working at CSI.
The goals of the project were multifold: (1) identify successful initiatives, (2) uncover any challenges facing members of our community, and (3) develop strategic initiatives to build on the successes and address the challenges.
With significant participation and a wealth of interesting data, the extensive analysis of the survey results is nearing completion.
There will be two Town Hall meetings to present the findings and explore the next steps in this process. All are encouraged to attend.
November 9: 2:30pm-4:00pm in the Center for the Arts Recital Hall (1P-120).
November 10: 2:30pm-4:00pm in the Center for the Arts Lecture Hall (1P-119).
Nine winners from last semester’s survey (three faculty, three staff, and three students) each received one of the following prizes: free on-campus parking for one year, a $200 MetroCard, or an iPad Mini 2. In the spirit of the survey’s confidentiality, winners’ names will not be released. In addition, 12 second prize winners received Barnes & Noble and CSI Cafeteria/Park Café gift cards for a total of 21 prizes.
The Town Halls will be followed by Feedback Forums to provide all members of the College community with a chance to propose solutions that may address challenges uncovered in the survey results.
November 15: 11:00am-12:30pm and 3:00pm-4:30pm; Library Video Conference Room (1L-220A).
December 7: 11:00am-12:30pm and 3:00pm-4:30pm; Library Video Conference Room (1L-220A).
January 18, 2017: 11:00am-12:30pm and 3:00pm-4:30pm; Library Video Conference Room (1L-220A).
In addition to the forums, an online form will also be created to allow members of the College community to submit their proposed solutions anonymously.
The Climate Survey was designed to provide information about both the positive and challenging aspects of our climate and was an opportunity to describe personal experiences, observations, and suggestions for change that might enhance the campus climate at CSI.