The Office of Humanities and Social Sciences is again pleased to announce a series of workshops for teaching “Critical Information Literacy.” As noted in the first email, faculty are encouraged to sign-up as soon as possible: as of today, spaces remain open for all three workshops, but they are limited. Each workshop is capped at 20 participants.
Faculty who wish to participate in all three workshops may do so, but for now, participation will only be confirmed for the first two workshops. The hope is to encourage broad participation. If spaces continue to remain open for the third workshop, faculty who wish to participate in all three workshops will receive confirmation for the third workshop on Monday, Mar. 27.
For more information on the workshops and how to sign up for them, see the first announcement, copied below.
Please sign up and spread the word.
Pedagogy Workshops: Teaching Critical Information Literary (open to all CSI faculty, stipends for adjunct-faculty participants)
The Office of Humanities and Social Sciences is pleased to announce a series of workshops for teaching “Critical Information Literacy.” These workshops are open to all CSI faculty; adjunct faculty will receive a stipend for participating, in an amount corresponding to their pay schedule.
The workshops will focus on evaluating and making critical use of digital information and digital media. Teaching students skills for negotiating digital sources and content has been a priority for many educators in recent years and a longstanding general education goal at CSI; current events have added urgency to the task.
All workshops will provide faculty participants with practical ways of helping students to develop information literacy, such as modules and assignments that can be used in a range of classes, from general-education courses to research seminars. The specific emphasis or each workshop will vary, as their titles indicate:
Thursday, Mar. 9, 2:30pm to 4:20pm
“Investigating Investigators: News Sites, News Values, and News Writers”
Workshop leaders: Amy Stempler (Library) and Steven Monte (English)
Tuesday, Mar. 21, 6:30pm to 8:20pm
“Social Media Literacy: Twitter, Instagram, Hashtags, and Beyond”
Workshop leaders: Patricia Brooks (Psychology), Kathleen Cumiskey (Psychology), and Christine Martorana (English)
Tuesday, Apr. 4, 2:30-4:30 PM
“Opinion Reading and Opinion Writing”
Workshop leaders: Fredrick Kaufman (English) and Rosanne Carlo (English)
All workshops will all take place in the Faculty Lounge in the Center for Faculty Development (Building 1L, Room 203).
To participate in the workshops, faculty members must email the Office of the Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences: Please put “Critical Information Literacy” in your subject heading.
Spaces are limited, so please sign-up soon.