I’d like to invite you to a very special Webinar presented by the Association of American Colleges & Universities on “Engaging All Students in Global Learning—From High-Impact Practices to High-Impact Graduates.”

As you know, utilizing high-impact practices on campus and in the classroom leads to greater success for our students. When we add Global Learning to the mix, it serves to increase that success leading to greater learning outcomes, retention, and completion rates for CSI students in pursuit of CSI’s strategic priorities including:

  • Ensuring Student Success,
  • Promoting Global Learning,
  • Creating a Destination Campus, and
  • Encouraging Scholarship-Driven Education

Please join us for this free Webinar on Wednesday, Sept. 12 at 1:00pm at the Center for Global Engagement (Building 2A – Room 206).  We will serve light refreshments. Please RSVP if you plan to attend so that we can prepare for your attendance.

I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

Stephen Ferst