As the director of the Center for Student Accessibility (CSA) I’d like to take this opportunity to remind faculty and staff about our services. CSA’s mission is to provide equal-access to academic and co-curricular programming to students with disabilities at the College of Staten Island. Reasonable accommodations and additional services are provided for students on an individualized basis in consultation with our academic counselors. CSA staff is here to assist you in providing our students access within the learning environment through the provision of accommodations and services. Through a collaborative process, we work with faculty, students, and staff to establish the appropriate combination of services that do not interrupt the integrity of the course.

I would also like to take this opportunity to introduce you to Danielle Lopez, the newly appointed Assistant Director in CSA. Danielle has vast knowledge of Disability Services. As an undergraduate student, Danielle earned her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at CSI and has worked in CSA within various capacities since 2012. She also completed her Master’s degree in Disability Services in Higher Education at the School of Professional Studies. Please the take time to welcome Danielle in her role in CSA.

CSA staff members are committed to students’ success and making sure we are advocates for our students’ needs. For additional information, please review CSA’s brochure and the Faculty Guide (including accessible formats). Please feel free contact us with any questions or concerns.