I need your help. We are experiencing issues with processing time sheets for part-time personnel because the procedure previously sent is not being followed.

A few items have been brought to my attention regarding the Modified Part-Time Timesheet Submission Policy:

1.       Not all Part-Time employees were distributed the communication timely from their divisions.

2.       Submissions of timesheets are being sent directly to employees in my office and not to the established email aliases we have created.

3.       Part-Time employees are submitting their own timesheets to us along with an email from their supervisor indicating that the timesheet is approved.

We must receive the approval and timesheet submission directly from the supervisors. The employee cannot submit their timesheet directly to us, as it opens the door for manipulation after approval from the supervisor.

 Please ensure all Department chairs/heads and supervisors are familiar with the new procedure. A copy of the procedure is online

By Carlos A. Serrano