As some of you may already know, Anne Lutkenhouse, our longtime funding Pre-Awards manager, has retired as of May 17, 2022. On behalf of the staff in OSPR, and numerous researchers who Anne supported, we wish her well and a wonderful retirement.
With Anne’s departure, there is now a significant void in OSPR that we are trying to fill. Unfortunately, the time frame between Anne’s retirement announcement and the day she actually retired created a tight window for us to respond to this vacancy in a timely fashion. First, we had to obtain permission to advertise for this now vacant position through the RF. Then we needed to fashion the job description for the advertisement, which required further approval before posting. The closing date for the vacancy posting is Thursday, June 9. As you know, the subsequent process to interview, select, and hire for this position will take some time, in addition to that which may be necessary for this individual to become acclimated to CSI-CUNY.
Along with our other responsibilities, Rosmery and I will do our best to accommodate research submissions and/or budgetary modifications over the summer. However, there will certainly be delays until we can get someone to fill this role. We ask that you be cognizant of additional time that may be necessary for your grant submissions and for your patience during this transition.
Thank you.
By Danté A. Tawfeeq, PhD