We are inviting those of you who were born outside of the United States to participate in our Dolphin Pods: Success Beyond Borders initiative. This program is dedicated to supporting international students as they transition to life and academics at CSI.

Your experience of transitioning from life outside of the U.S. uniquely positions you to serve as a mentor for students who are facing similar challenges. By joining this initiative, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Share your personal journey and experience adjusting to life in the U.S.
  • Provide cultural and academic guidance to students who may feel overwhelmed by their new surroundings
  • Help our international students overcome challenges like homesickness and cultural adjustment, and find success both inside and outside the classroom

We understand that students may not respond immediately, but your presence on our mentor list will offer them a valuable resource when they need support.

If you are interested in joining, please complete this form. Your participation will contribute to fostering a more inclusive, welcoming community for our international students.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to share your experiences and support the success of our international students students.

By Emmanuel Esperance, Jr.