Welcome back to the campus. This is a friendly reminder that free tutoring is offered to students through Academic Support’s Center for Academic Student Assistance (CASA). We respectfully request that you promote to your students the free academic assistance on offer seven days a week—both on campus and online.

CASA offers free tutoring in a wide variety of subjects, both in the Humanities and Social Sciences, and in Business, Accounting, Economics, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

Tutoring and Special Workshops

You can access the full schedules for our tutoring and workshops online.

On-campus tutoring

This fall semester, we are providing ample on-campus tutoring in The Library (Building 1L), Room 117.

Online tutoring

We also offer online tutoring throughout the week, at various times.

Special Workshops

This semester, we will offer workshops for students taking MTH 123, MTH 125, and CHM 141.

We also partnered with the English Department to offer English writing workshops for students taking ENG 111, ENG 111P, and ENG 151.

The Office of Institutional Research has demonstrated that our professional peer tutors, who are certified by the International College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA), have historically helped students raise their pass rates by 10–20%. Please help us spread the word to your classes about this quality, cost-free academic support the College offers our students. Your recommendation is critical in the effort to get CSI students to take advantage of this beneficial service.

Please feel free to contact the Office of Academic Support at oas@csi.cuny.edu if you need additional support for your classes.

We wish you all a successful semester, and hope to see your students in the Library.

By Koby Kohulan, Christopher Cuccia, Leo Pignataro