Do you have long-term writing projects you need to get done but struggle without short-term accountability? Do you have an academic project you’d like to accomplish (building something in your department, or starting a podcast, or a library zine collection [hey, that’s me!] or a data collection project or… [insert your imagination here]? These large and often lonely projects could be a lot more fun, engaging, and inspirational with a team of cheerleaders and folks to hold your steps accountable. Join Prof. Anne Hays Adkison for biweekly sessions. Adkison will create a structure for the session that includes intention setting, feedback if desired, and time for focused writing.
Please fill this online form if you’re interested. Meetings will take place in the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development in the Library (Building 1L), Room 208 AND on Zoom. Have some coffee if you come in person. Make your own coffee if you’re over Zoom. Timing TBD on faculty/staff interest. This is open to anyone who wants to get it done.
Please respond by Friday, Feb. 21 for a start date of early March.
By the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development