College of Staten Island Professor of Creative Nonfiction and Journalism Ava Chin will be highlighted on the The latest episode of Street Soldiers, hosted by Lisa Evers, and featuring College of Staten Island Professor of Creative Nonfiction and Journalism Ava Chin is now available via the FOX 5 Website and YouTube page.
The episode, appropriately entitled “Women Trailblazers Today” kicked off the celebration of Women’s History Month, and joining Chin on the panel were two other influential figures: rapper Roxanne Shante, who recently received the Lifetime Achievement Award at this year’s Grammys and is the subject of the Netflix special Roxanne Roxanne, and Dr. Ilyasah Shabazz, daughter of Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz, an accomplished author, educator, and activist advocating for social justice, education, and youth empowerment.
Check out the full show below and on the FOX 5 Website.