The Office of Academic Assessment proudly announces the launch of our newsletter, which will provide faculty, staff, and administration with information about assessment here at CSI, as well as trends and developments at colleges and universities around the country. The newsletter will highlight most effective methods in the assessment of student learning outcomes.
There are numerous resources available for outcomes assessment. CSI’s Office of Academic Assessment has a Webpage with various forms and resources. CSI’s Center for Teaching, Learning and Professional Development will occasionally sponsor Zoom presentations on assessment.
The CUNY Assessment Council meets monthly and provides a forum for assessment officers from CUNY schools to share ideas and techniques. The Council publishes an online journal that offers articles about trends and practices around the country. The Council also created an Assessment 101 asynchronous online course, which can be taken in any order and at any pace, allowing attendees to focus on their area of interest.
The Office of Assessment is staffed five days a week and is available for in-person meetings. For more information or questions, visit the CSI Office of Assessment in Building 1A, Room 302C, call at 718.982.2007, or email CSI’s Director of Assessment, Michael Anderson, PhD, at
By the Division of Academic Affairs