L-R: William Fritz, Sandy Kruger, Jon Peters, Michael Kress, Richard Flanagan

Distinguished community leaders were recognized for their generous contributions that enable continued research following the aftermath of Super Storm Sandy.

College of Staten Island Interim President Dr. William J. Fritz was joined by Vice President for Information Technology and Economic Development Dr. Michael Kress and members from the faculty, student body, and CSI Foundation to recognize and praise:


Sandy Krueger, CEO of the Staten Island Board of Realtors, who contributed funding for the research and extensive report regarding the Southeast shoreline of Staten Island relating to Superstorm Sandy. The funding allowed a group of students under the direction of Nora Santiago, Urban Policy Analyst at the College of Staten Island, to complete the big data analytics necessary for the final report. Professors Richard Flanagan and Jonathan Peters from CSI were also present and will continue to take the lead in the ongoing research.

L-R: William Fritz, John Amodio, Richard Flanagan, Henry Salmon, Michael Kress, Jon Peters

Henry Salmon and John Amodio, former officers of Vision for Staten Island, were recognized and thanked for their important work with the now sun-setted nonprofit organization, and for donating the remaining funds to the CSI Foundation. Vision for Staten Island was a remarkable project that empowered feedback from Staten Islanders to be considered when implementing future decisions for the borough.