An enthusiastic group of nearly 100 Business alumni and faculty gathered at the residence of President Tomás D. and Mrs. Evy Morales last week for a networking evening. Alumni, spanning from the 1970s to our most recent grads, the class of 2010,

L-R: Crystal Deosaran ’04, Prof. Cynthia Scarinci, Prof. Eugene Garaventa, Christina Bosco ’08, Prof. Daniel Gagliardi ’70, Prof. Rosane Gertner
and representing the fields of accounting, finance, management, international business, and information systems, had the opportunity to catch up with their favorite faculty members and fellow grads.
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President Morales highlighted the College’s record enrollment and discussed plans to advance the College further with the strategic planning process currently underway.
In addition, the President spoke about the importance of alumni remaining in touch with the College and our students, underscoring the strides that the College is making in fundraising efforts, including major gift development. On a related note, he discussed the importance of supporting the upcoming Celestial Ball on December 4, which provides much-needed funding for student scholarships.
CUNY Trustee, the Honorable Kathleen (Kay) Pesile ’73, reflected on how far the College, the CSI Alumni Association, and Business Department have come since her days as a student, and the challenges ahead, given significant budget cuts to the CUNY system.
Vullnet Kollari, Esq. ‘98, Alumni Board President, brought greetings from the Alumni Association and discussed the important contributions that Business faculty members have made in the lives and career paths of alumni.
Professor Thomas Tellefsen ’77, Chairperson, Business Dept., brought alumni up to date on the Master’s in Business Management program and the proposed plan to transform the department into a School of Business.
Richard Prinzi, CPA ’93, past Alumni Board President and current Treasurer of the CSI Foundation, spoke of his strong ties to the College, borne of his positive undergraduate experience, and the value he has found through the years in recruiting more than 60 accounting students for internships and employment. He concluded by encouraging his fellow alumni to get involved with their alma mater in whatever way they can, whether it be offering a job, an internship, or being a mentor for our students. He assured them they would not be disappointed.
Throughout the evening, the attendees enjoyed each other’s company, sharing career and personal updates with friends and faculty while mingling and exchanging business cards. Faculty in attendance included: Deborah Brickman, Daniel Gagliardi ’70, Eugene Garaventa, Susan Holak, Rosane Gertner, Cynthia Scarinci, George Stern, Thomas Tellefsen ’77, and Alan Zimmerman.