Michael Morreale directs a student big band performance at the 11th Annual Undergraduate Conference on Research, Scholarship, and Performance.
Student/faculty collaboration was the focal point of the 11th Annual Undergraduate Conference on Research, Scholarship, and Performance, which was held recently in the Center for the Arts at the College of Staten Island. The Conference gives the College’s students the opportunity to present their work, which was guided by CSI’s world-class faculty, in the form of research posters and papers, performance pieces, and works of visual art.
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This year’s Conference was the largest ever, with 121 research abstracts on display, as well as 96 performers and 68 art students, who demonstrated their finely honed skills. Abstracts from the winner of the statewide CSTEP competition and students who presented their research at the International Taurine Conference in Morocco were also included.
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZwug-e99Q8[/youtube]This year’s Conference opened at 11am with a musical and dance performance in a packed Williamson Theater. There was also a presentation of papers to the COR 100 class. Another new feature was a Plenary Session, at which the President noted that “The incredible number and level of achievements on display here today truly embody the cornerstone of the College’s mission in advancing student success and academic excellence through faculty support, guidance, and mentorship.”
CSI Undergraduate Research Awards supported 16 of the research projects at the Conference. The event was sponsored by the CSI Division of Academic Affairs, with funding from the CSI Foundation, CSI Student Government, the CSI Office of Alumni Relations.