The College of Staten Island held its Class of January 2023 Pinning Ceremony on Friday, officially pinning 35 Associates of Applied Science in Nursing graduates.

Nesreen Albanna, Chairperson of the Pinning Steering Committee served as Master of Ceremonies for the event, where CSI Interim President Dr. Timothy G. Lynch and Interim Provost Dr. Michael Steiper addressed the students and faculty in attendance. Dr. H. Michael Dreher brought greetings from the School of Health Sciences before graduate Asime Bregu addressed the audience and spoke of the Nursing experience at the College.

After official remarks, the 35 students in attendance received their pins, taking part in the Nursing Lamp Ceremony before taking the Nurse’s Pledge prior to recess. See below for the full list of graduates and congratulations!

2023 Pinning Ceremony AAS Graduates: Nesreen Albanna, Gabrielle Artz, Alyssa Atiles, Melinda Bojkovic, Barbara Bonadonna, Thomas Bossert, Asime, Bregu, Dana Briscoe, Bonnie Budgell, Chiqui Camara, Melissa Cerio, Lam Pun Chan, Renee Chiacchiero, Ansumana Conteh, Nicolette Drigun, Kristina Hakobyan, Reem Hassan, Anita KC, Frank Krzeptowski, Victoria Lodato, Can Phuong Ly, Liam Manacle, Theodoro Mercado, Abiola Oderinde, Qingtao Ouuang, Lisa Pellegrini, Toni Scordato, Arieta Sejadinovski, Nicole Serebrinskiy, Kristina Smith, Monika Soja, Sherani Somaroe, Emily Torres, Enxhi Velia, Tsering Woser.