To the College Community:
The Bertha Harris Women’s Center and Institutional Equity & Title IX Compliance invite you to participate in activities to raise awareness about Domestic Violence (DV) and take actions to prevent, address, and end it.
Attached please find the calendar for offerings throughout the month sponsored by Institutional Equity & Title IX Compliance, The Bertha Harris Women’s Center, and NYPIRG.
The first event will be held Monday, October 2, from 11-noon in the IP 116 E; come and learn more about DV resources off campus with Tara Mastrangelo, Director of Institutional Equity & Title IX Compliance, and representatives from Safe Horizons. Please preregister to attend (space is limited) via
Throughout the month, on Tuesdays at noon, the Bertha Harris Women’s Centers will be holding drop-in self-defense workshops to help you learn more about ways you can stay safe at home and in the streets; NYPIRG will also be there to help students and community members register to vote, to keep you safe at the ballot box.
Please see the calendar for the rest of our planned events, which include workshops on healthy relationships, preventing cyber abuse, and addressing DV in under-served communities.
Remember, if you are experiencing domestic or intimate partner violence, you are not alone.
If you need help, call 1-800-621-HOPE for the New York City Domestic Violence Hotline, or call 311 and ask for the Domestic Violence Hotline. On campus, you will find support and assistance at the Bertha Harris Women’s Center and in the Title IX office.
In solidarity and hope,
Catherine Lavender
Catherine J. Lavender, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of History
Director, Program in Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies
Director, The Bertha Harris Women’s Center @ CSI
Co-Chair, The Willowbrook Legacy Project