You are invited to attend a workshop on “Understanding Muslim Experiences and Combating Anti-Muslim Bias” presented by the NYC Commission on Human Rights. This workshop “promotes understanding of the City’s diverse faith communities. . . . addresses what is referred to as anti-Muslim racism, introduces Muslim beliefs and practices, outlines best practices in working with Muslim New Yorkers, and elaborates on the protections under the City Human Rights Law against discrimination based on religion.”
This event will be held on Tuesday, Apr. 16, from 10:00am to noon in Building 1A, Room 406. Food and beverages will be provided (Kosher options will be available). Please note that CLUE credits will be given for this event; 1PG and 1CC.
The workshop is designed to be comprehensive and interactive, and includes a dedicated Q&A session.
To RSVP to this event, please go online or scan the QR code below. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this event. Please note, advanced registration is required and the deadline to register is Monday, Apr. 15. There will be a Zoom option if you would like to attend but cannot attend in person (RSVP still required to receive a Zoom link via email).

We hope to see you there.
By the Office of the President