On behalf of the entire Business Office team – welcome back. We look forward to working with you to make your 2024-2025 academic year a success.

In an effort to improve your experience working with the Business Office, my entire team and I have developed the online Campus General Guidelines document to provide a resource on how you can partner with us to improve our service delivery and processing times in all aspects of our operations located in Building 3A, including Budget, Temporary Services, Procurement, Vendor Payments, Travel Reimbursements, and Leasing Agreements.

The guidelines are intended to provide the following:

  1. Identification of key Business Office personnel responsible for overseeing every aspect of our operations;
  2. Designated inboxes for every Business Office function, where you can submit your general inquiries, obtain information, or provide supporting documentation; and
  3. Key policies to guide your planning efforts;

To ensure this guidance remains relevant and meets your needs, it will be modified periodically based upon your feedback, which should be submitted to BusinessOffice@csi.cuny.edu. 

We hope you find this resource useful.

Best wishes for a successful 2024-2025 academic year.

By Carlos A. Serrano