The Core 100 program invites students and faculty from the College to join us for our weekly lecture series. Each week, all of the first-year students participate in lecture-discussions with about 400 of their classmates. We have space in the Center for the arts (Building 1P) Williamson Theatre to accommodate individual guests and can have as many as two additional classes at each of the lectures. No permission is needed for classes to attend, but please notify Donna Scimeca (718.982.3405) if you plan to bring a class.
The lectures are 50 minutes and are all in the Williamson Theatre. They meet on the following days/times: Wednesdays at 12:20pm; on Thursdays at 8:00am, 10:10am, and 6:30pm; and on Saturdays at 10:10am.
The Lecture Series Schedule for the Week of Monday, Apr. 17, 2017
Wednesday, Apr. 19:
-12:20pm: “Understanding Modern Economics,” presented by Robert Grosso
This lecture presents the basics of an economic system, looking into our relationship with the economy as consumers, the government’s role in the economy, and topics such as supply and demand, inflation, deflation, and taxation.
Robert Grosso has been teaching with the Core program since 2014, and lectures on a variety of topics in history, civics, and economics in that time. He also teaches at Union County College in New Jersey, mostly on the subject of Western civilization.
Thursday, Apr. 20:
There are no Thursday lectures as Apr. 20 follows a Monday schedule.
Saturday, 4/22
-10:10am: “Great Depression/New Deal,” presented by Peter Ronalds
Peter Ronalds is a Doctor of Arts Modern World History, St. John’s University 1998. He has been teaching Core 100 and History classes since 1998.