This workshop will introduce the Blackboard Ally (BB Ally) tool, which reviews Blackboard course content and evaluates the level of ADA compliance. You may have observed the following images within BB (visible only to instructor) which are indicators that measure accessibility of PDF, Word, PowerPoint, and other files:
Low: File is not accessible and requires immediate attention to correct accessibility issues.
Medium: File is somewhat accessible. The file could be improved.
High: File is accessible. There are non-critical issues to be improved.
Perfect: File is accessible. No improvement needed.
Tips for creating ADA-compliant documents and remediating non-compliant documents will also be covered.
Presenters: Michael Castelli, LMS Administrator; Shivan Mahabir, Assistant Director of Assistive Technology; and Stephanie Haskell, Office of Accessibility Services
Register here for Aug. 2
Register here for Aug. 9
Other professional development workshops that may be of interest to you can be found online.
By the Faculty Center Team: Wilma Jones, Fausto Canela, and Michael Castell